Archive for Text

Map and Bottles to take away


Empty bottles with stamped tag, bottle on map also presented.

Found items or pieces from the specific location will be placed in the bottles and given to viewers.

Experiment with tiny scrolls in the bottle.

Once sealed the viewer has the option to break it to reveal what is inside or keep as it is.

Experimenting with found object in bottle, text displaying date and location as a label.

Tiny folded letter inside bottle addressed to the viewer on one side and ‘OPEN’ on the other.

Same idea as above, toying with the idea of breaking it to reveal something inside.

Text inside is handwritten overheard conversations or observations from a location.

Breaking the bottles seal would only give the viewer fragments of conversations, nothing valuable or of worth.

Scroll inside bottle.

Same idea as the letter above.


Bottles of location.

Small bottles with sections of mini polaroids taken on site, date stamped and presented infront.

Same as above, random organisation of bottles.

Various materials inside bottles combined with mini polaroid and stamp indicating date.

All presented on plinth.

t.v, bottles and text experiment

Experimenting with presentation

t.v, bottles and text.



New work- Feb 2011

Small bottles filled with fragments of polariods.

Polaroids taken on scotch street of passers by.

Date stamped from when pic was taken.

Studio presentation for crit.

Side view of studio space.

Back wall.

Overhead displaying map, photos on the ground. Small tv playing scotch st. footage, view  from window.

Detail of map on overhead.

Map on projector.

Table with notebooks etc.

Letter with stamped address, ‘Observations & Overheard conversations’ book, dictaphone, notebooks.

Catalogue of anonymous individuals and photographs.

Photos of individual, observations with date and time handwriten.

Text on tracing paper, images from Scotch St. displayed in digital photo frame.


Working on the presentation of documentation… Made a small book out of an evelope, card and tracing paper, sewn together and stamped on the cover (to store recollections). Not sure how it will work out!

Doccumenting individuals. Was thinking a book for these? Or shown as a group. Maybe black and white photo?



Collage experiments

Black and white photographs.

Anonymous passers by, no identity.

Overheard Conversations Notebook.

Observations Notebook.

Overhead projector and photographs. Experiments.

Overhead projector with small map.

Detail of drawn map, hook for string.

Overhead projector. First photo with string indicating location on drawn map.

More photos added.

Small map overlapping drawn map. String indicating site where photos were taken.




Notebooks: Small- Overheard conversations/noises. Other- Observations.

Both have date and time stated.

Length of text. Date top right corner. Times running down left and observations.

Digital photoframe. Photo’s of Scotch Street.

Current work

Photographic documentation from window.

Grid format photos (cant rotate and save!)

Follow piece

Image ofgirl, map indicating where she went and description.

Focusing on one man. Images and text with date and time.